The JesusLife app is incredibly full and reflective of Jesus Spirit and Life when He lived in human form on this planet. Different thoughts and teachings shared on here are full of scriptures. All of the precious seeds, shared freely on this app, are vision-giving, convicting, inspiring, and encouraging to pursue living as Jesus did and does today with others of His children. It is a stark contrast to the religious world and what many know of stale and fake "christianity." If you arent content with cultural religion in your life and others; and desperately want to see Jesus glorified once again, this app would be very helpful to you.
Ive personally appreciated the help of the "prayer alerts" to remember to talk to Father for others in this country and around the world. But that is just one of the tools offered on this app that have been life-changing to me. The videos, music, audio recordings, and books are wonderful. Im thankful to get to use it every day.
lookingatHim about Jesus Life Together